The Sacrament of Baptism


Todos los padres y padrinos que van a bautizar deben cumplir con el requisito de asistir a las pláticas de Preparación Bautismal un mes antes de la fecha que usted desea. Para registrarse y asistir debe de pasar a la oficina por la forma. EL ESPACIO ES LIMITADO. Los niños deben ser menores de 7 anos. La plática de Preparación Bautismal se llevan acabo cada mes adentro de la iglesia de de 7:00-8:30p.m. . Favor de no traer a sus niños a la clase.

Los Bautizos en español se programan, el primer sábado del mes, a las 10:00a.m. El Bautismo es una celebración. No es misa. Toda la documentación debe estar en orden antes de programar la fecha del bautismo. Fechas del 2020:

Seleccione a los padrinos cuidadosamente. El Derecho Canónico de la Iglesia requiere que cada niño que recibe el Sacramento del Bautismo debe tener por lo menos un padrino que oficialmente sea un Católico activo y haya recibido los sacramento de del Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Se requiere que los Padrinos sean miembros registrados en esta Parroquia de San Lino, si no es de esa manera entonces deben de entregar una carta de permiso de la Parroquia a la cual pertenezcan para bautizar en San Lino. Cristianos de otro denominación pueden asistir con testigos del bautismo. Los padrinos deben ser mayores de 18 años. Si los Padrinos viven con su pareja deben estar casados por la Iglesia Católica. Los padres pueden escoger uno o dos padrinos. NOTA: Los padrinos NO pueden ser dos personas del mismo sexo.

□ Forma de registración completa junto con la cuota de $50.00 (solamente efectivo)
□ Acta de Nacimiento del niño(a) proporcionada por el condado.
□ Carta de permiso de los Padres si es que pertenecen a otra parroquia
□ Carta de permiso de los Padrinos si es que pertenecen a otra parroquia
□ Comprobante de los Padres y Padrinos que asistieron a las pláticas de Preparación Bautismal fuera de San Lino.
□ Si los padres no viven juntos o están separados se necesita una carta de permiso del padre/madre que no vaya asistir al bautizo (solo si el nombre del padre/madre está escrito en el acta de nacimiento). Si alguno tiene la custodia legal del bebe, deben traer la documentación legal del juez (la carta no es necesaria si tiene la documentación de la custodia legal del juez.)

Participation in the Baptism Preparation is a requirement for all parents and Godparents seeking Baptize. Parents who can provide documentation, which states they attended the Baptism Preparation within the last year, are exempt. Child must not be older than 6 years of age. To register for an upcoming sessions, please please stop by the office to pick up a form. SPACE IS LIMITED. The pre-baptismal classes will be held every month inside the church from 7:00-8:30pm and should be taken a month before the baptism. Please don’t bring your children to the class. Below are the class dates for 2020:

Baptisms at St. Linus are scheduled the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00a.m. Baptisms are a celebration not a mass. All documentation must be in order before the scheduling of your child’s Baptism.

Select your godparents carefully as Canon Law requires that each child seeking the Sacrament of Baptism have at least one official godparent who is a practicing Catholic, Baptized, Confirmed, 1st communion & Married by the Church (if married). We require that the godparent/s are either registered members of St. Linus Church or provide a letter from the parish in which they are registered declaring their status as active parishioners. Parents may choose to select one or two godparents. Godparents must be older than 18 years of age. All documentation must be provided prior to the scheduling of your child’s Baptism. Godparents must attend the class. Christians of other denominations may serve as “Christian witnesses” to the Baptism. NOTE: There cannot be two godparents of the same gender.

□ Registration Form complete with the $50.00 Registration Fee. (Cash Only)
□ Child’s County Birth certificate.
□ Boundary Release Letter from parents outside of St. Linus parish.
□ Boundary Release Letter from godparents outside of St. Linus parish.
□ If parents and/or godparents took Baptismal preparation class in another parish, documentation is required.
□ If parents do not live together or are divorced, a consent letter must be written from the absentee parent (parent who will not attend the baptism) giving permission to baptized their child (ONLY if the parent’s name appears on the legal birth certificate). However, if either parent have legal custody of the child (legal documentation by the judge must be provided) the consent letter from the absentee parent is not required.

The Sacrament of Baptism opens the door to a new life in Jesus Christ... a life that goes beyond our death and into the life of heaven after our death.

By Baptism all sins are forgiven, Original Sin and all personal sins, and temporal punishment due to sin is removed. After one has been reborn in Christ, there is nothing to prevent one’s entryImg 0556 into God’s Kingdom.

However, though all sins are removed, there remains, as an effect of Original Sin, the inclination to sin that is called concupiscence. This inclination to sin shows itself in what is sometimes referred to as a darkening of the mind and a weakening of the will, that is, the inability to know clearly the right or wrong of an action and/or the lack of strength to resist temptation and always to do the right thing no matter how hard this is. The effects of Original Sin need not harm us so long as we seek strength to resist them through the Sacrament of Penance, the Sacrament of the Eucharist, prayer, a deepening spirituality, growth in virtue, and a wholehearted dependence on God.

Baptism also gives us new life as adopted children of God. We become sharers of divine life and temples of the Holy Spirit. We are now made righteous by God and live in a state of grace, that is, we live in union with God because of his gracious and loving initiative. Our permanence in the state of grace is called sanctifying grace because God “sanctifies” us, that is, makes us his holy people by giving us his life. God continues to assist us by many helps that are called actual graces. Thus, we have the ability to live and act under the guidance and light of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This helps us mature in goodness through the practice of virtues, such as the Cardinal Virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude.

By Baptism we become members of the Church, the Body of Christ. We share in the priesthood of Christ as well as his prophetic and royal mission. “You are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises’ of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Pt 2:9). We enjoy the community we find in the Church, share our talents and gifts with its members, respond willingly to its teachings and requirements, and assume the responsibilities that our membership implies.